
My goal is to co-create space with and for you that is nurturing, healing and transformative.
Let’s work together on this.

Individual Therapy for Adults

Individual therapy is personal and requires emotional vulnerability and a level of transparency that may enable you to heal old or current emotional wounds or barriers.  My approach is emotionally centered, interactive, dynamic and compassionate. This approach supports collaboration and trust and invites you to bring all of who you are into the room. I can support your process to identify and achieve the change you desire that might also enable you to be more present in your life, to solve challenges with ease and to create the happiness you want. Our work together may also give you the insight and tools to skillfully navigate the circumstances in your life that you want to improve. Your relationship to yourself and others may deepen and you may start to create a new positive life narrative that improves your well being. This work may be short term or longer term depending on your discovery and at a pace that is comfortable to you.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

I have been trained in a trauma recovery technique called Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an evidenced-based form of psychotherapy that utilizes back and forth eye movement to help clients address common problems manifesting in depression, anxiety, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute traumatic stress (ASD) and other mental health challenges. ART is a powerful trauma recovery intervention suited for anyone including first responders, such as police officers, firefighters and medical personnel who have experienced acute or chronic traumatic events or who are suffering from more chronic conditions. Clients have reported gaining positive results and resolution within 1 to 3 sessions. Please ask me about ART if you choose to contact me for services.

Here is what a client reported after engaging in one ART session after experiencing a traumatic event three days prior:
” Hi Laura! I’m doing FABULOUS! I’m honestly baffled by how different I feel right now about not just the incident, but so many other things. It feels like I had a tripped breaker that was reset. I’m really just in total amazement!”

Important Fact
The length of therapy really depends mainly on the issues being addressed and the desire of the individual to feel better. Other factors play a role, such as support from friends and family, on going stress, physical and social activity, and amount of insight you may have.

Did you know
Engaging regularly in an activity that you love and participating in physical exercise can greatly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
